- AFF A800
- ONTAP 9.8P7
- Cisco Nexus 9336 集群网络交换机
- Cisco Nexus 3132集群网络交换机
Dual 40/100G Ethernet T62100
网络接口卡( NIC )
- 在从无交换机集群转换为有交换机集群后,可以观察到新添加的集群配置错误,如以下错误 交换机
Jan 31, 2022 16:33:19 +0100 HA Group Notification (Health Monitor process cshm: ClusterIfOutErrorsWarn_Alert[switch-01(XXXXXXXXXXX)/Ethernet1/10]) ALERT
Jan 31, 2022 18:48:19 +0100 HA Group Notification (Health Monitor process cshm: ClusterIfIslDownWarn_Alert[switch-01(XXXXXXXXXXX)/Ethernet1/35]) ALERT
- 也可以从运行状况警报中确认这一点
Cluster::> system health alert show
Node: node-01 Resource: Ethernet1/10 Severity: Major Indication Time: Tue Feb 15 16:34:10 2022 Suppress: false Acknowledge: false Probable Cause: The percentage of inbound packet errors of switch interface "switch-01(XXXXXXXXXXX)/Ethernet1/10" is above the warning threshold.
- 可以在所有集群网络端和交换机端端口上观察到 CRC 错误
Cluster::> system node run -node <node name> -command ifstat -a
-- interface e0a (19 hours, 40 minutes, 32 seconds) -- RECEIVE Total frames: 5041k | Frames/second: 71 | Total bytes: 1504m Bytes/second: 21244 | Total errors: 99 | Errors/minute: 0 Total discards: 0 | Discards/minute: 0 | Multi/broadcast: 31388 Non-primary u/c: 0 | CRC errors: 74 | Long frames: 25 Jabber: 0 | Length errors: 0 | No buffer: 0 Pause: 0 | Jumbo: 129k | Error symbol: 0 Bus overruns: 0 | LRO segments: 4851k | LRO bytes: 1352m LRO6 segments: 0 | LRO6 bytes: 0 | Bad UDP cksum: 0 Bad UDP6 cksum: 0 | Bad TCP cksum: 165 | Bad TCP6 cksum: 0 Mcast v6 solicit: 0 | Lagg errors: 0 | Lacp errors: 0 Lacp PDU errors: 0
Switch-01# show interface <interface name>
Ethernet1/10 is up admin state is up, Dedicated Interface Hardware: 1000/10000/25000/40000/50000/100000 Ethernet, address: XXXX.XXXX.XXXX (bia XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) MTU 9216 bytes, BW 100000000 Kbit , DLY 10 usec reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255 Encapsulation ARPA, medium is broadcast RX 11846294 unicast packets 8431 multicast packets 5847 broadcast packets 11881885 input packets 5043515271 bytes 527370 jumbo packets 0 storm suppression bytes 0 runts 0 giants 21313 CRC 0 no buffer 21313 input error 0 short frame 0 overrun 0 underrun 0 ignored 0 watchdog 0 bad etype drop 0 bad proto drop 0 if down drop 0 input with dribble 0 input discard 0 Rx pause
- 更改连接到这些端口的 SFP 和缆线不起作用