


  • ONTAP 9
  • NFS


  • NFS挂载挂起并超时、或者客户端无法访问卷
  • 导出策略的规则包含无法解析的主机名:
::*> vserver export-policy check-access -vserver svm1 -client-ip -volume flexvol1 -authentication-method sys -protocol nfs3 -access-type read-write
                       Policy   Policy      Rule
Path               Policy   Owner   Owner Type    Index   Access
----------------------------- ----------  ---------  ----------------  ------  ----------
/                 default   vs1_root  volume       1     read
Error: show failed on vserver "svm1" volume "flexvol1" client-ip "" authentication-method "sys"protocol "nfs3" access-type "read-write": Internal error. Failed to check exports for Vserver "svm1". The command returned a retry.  Wait a few minutes, then try the command again.
注意: 它无法完成对与卷关联的导出策略的扫描、也无法在相关客户端的规则之前找到相应的规则
  • 如果要创建框架导出策略以测试具有广泛打开权限的卷、并将该导出策略应用于挂载失败的卷、则挂载将成功。
  • 运行 nslookup主机名解析失败


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