
SVM DR无法重新同步、并显示"Operation Take SnapShot Failed"错误

Last Updated:


  • ONTAP 9
  • SVM 灾难恢复


SVM DR无法重新同步、并显示"Operation Take SnapShot Failed"错误。详细信息如下:

NetAPP2750::> snapmirror show -instance -destination-path FILE_DR:

               Source Path: FILE:
            Destination Path: FILE_DR:
            Relationship Type: XDP
         Relationship Group Type: -
           SnapMirror Schedule: -
         SnapMirror Policy Type: async-mirror
            SnapMirror Policy: MirrorAllSnapshots
               Tries Limit: -
            Throttle (KB/sec): unlimited
              Mirror State: Broken-off
           Relationship Status: Idle
         File Restore File Count: -
         File Restore File List: -
            Transfer Snapshot: -
            Snapshot Progress: -
             Total Progress: -
        Network Compression Ratio: -
           Snapshot Checkpoint: -
             Newest Snapshot: vserverdr.d039ea92b50c.2022-04-27_134450
        Newest Snapshot Timestamp: 04/27 13:44:50
            Exported Snapshot: -
       Exported Snapshot Timestamp: -
                 Healthy: false
            Unhealthy Reason: Transfer failed
         Destination Volume Node: -
             Relationship ID: d8c83a43-dbf7-11ec-b22a-d039ea92b00c
          Current Operation ID: -
              Transfer Type: -
             Transfer Error: -
            Current Throttle: -
        Current Transfer Priority: -
           Last Transfer Type: resync
          Last Transfer Error:Operation take_snapshot failed.Wait a few minutes,and then try the command again.
Execute "snapmirror show -destination-vserver FILE_DR -fields last-transfer-error,unhealthy-reason -expand" to check if the constituent volumes have encountered errors.
           Last Transfer Size: 61.81GB
Last Transfer Network Compression Ratio: -
         Last Transfer Duration: 2:35:50
           Last Transfer From: FILE:
       Last Transfer End Timestamp: 06/17 19:29:30
          Progress Last Updated: -
         Relationship Capability: -
                Lag Time: -
      Identity Preserve Vserver DR: true
         Volume MSIDs Preserved: true
         Is Auto Expand Enabled: -
      Number of Successful Updates: -
        Number of Failed Updates: -
      Number of Successful Resyncs: -
        Number of Failed Resyncs: -
       Number of Successful Breaks: -
         Number of Failed Breaks: -
          Total Transfer Bytes: -
     Total Transfer Time in Seconds: -

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