
FabricPool 对象存储在ONTAP 升级后不可用

Last Updated:


  • ONTAP 9
  • FabricPool


  • ONTAP 使用自动化无中断升级(ANDU)进行升级
  • 在成功升级ONTAP 的情况下接管、重新启动和启动存储节点、但它们会记录错误、指出对象存储不可用
Sun Oct 30 10:46:38 -0700 [node11: OscLowPriThreadPool: object.store.unavailable:EMERGENCY]: Unable to connect to the object store "StorageGrid_FP" from node xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx. Reason: Connection unavailable.
  • 连接到所有聚合的所有对象存储在重新启动和升级的存储节点上不可用、但在尚未升级的存储节点上仍然可用 
cluster::> storage aggregate object-store show Aggregate Object Store Name Availability Mirror Type -------------- ----------------- ------------- ----------- node10_aggr1 storagegrid_FP available primary node10_aggr2 storagegrid_FP available primary node11_aggr1 storagegrid_FP unavailable primary node11_aggr2 storagegrid_FP unavailable primary node12_aggr1 storagegrid_FP unavailable primary node12_aggr2 storagegrid_FP unavailable primary node03_aggr1 storagegrid_FP unavailable primary node03_aggr2 storagegrid_FP unavailable primary node04_aggr1 storagegrid_FP unavailable primary node04_aggr2 storagegrid_FP unavailable primary node05_aggr1 storagegrid_FP available primary node05_aggr2 storagegrid_FP available primary node09_aggr1 storagegrid_FP available primary node09_aggr2 storagegrid_FP available primary 14 entries were displayed.
  • Ping操作正常、但在对象存储提供程序上未发现任何错误
  • HTTPS (TCP端口443)用于与对象存储进行通信、不允许使用HTTP (TCP端口80)

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