
MMC 显示错误:您没有查看 Windows 客户端共享列表的权限

nas<a>Data ONTAP 9.x</a><a> 1070767 </a>
Last Updated:


  • ONTAP 9
  • MMC


  • 作为"BUILTIN\Administrators "组成员的用户无法通过Windows Microsoft管理控制台(MMC)或计算机管理控制台查看共享、会话和打开的文件。

注意: 如果用户不属于"BUILTIN\Administrators "组: 通过MMC连接CIFS共享会导致错误"您无权查看Windows客户端的共享列表"

  • You do not have permissions to see the list of shares for Windows client 用户单击共享、会话和打开的文件时、MMC显示错误
  • 要检查Windows用户的Windows组成员资格、请 在所有节点上运行以下命令(在高级模式下可用):
::*> vserver services access-check authentication show-creds -node cdot-01 -vserver svm -win-name naslab\alice UNIX UID: root <> Windows User: NASLAB\alice (Windows Domain User) GID: daemon Supplementary GIDs: daemon Primary Group SID: NASLAB\Domain Users (Windows Domain group) Windows Membership: NASLAB\Domain Users (Windows Domain group) NASLAB\Domain Admins (Windows Domain group) NASLAB\Denied RODC Password Replication Group (Windows Alias) Service asserted identity (Windows Well known group) BUILTIN\Users (Windows Alias) BUILTIN\Administrators (Windows Alias) User is also a member of Everyone, Authenticated Users, and Network Users Privileges (0x22b7): SeBackupPrivilege SeRestorePrivilege SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege SeSecurityPrivilege SeChangeNotifyPrivilege
::*> vserver cifs users-and-groups local-group show-members -vserver svm -group-name BUILTIN\Administrators Vserver: svm Group Name: BUILTIN\Administrators Member Name: SMBSRVR\Administrator NASLAB\Domain Admins NASLAB\alice 

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