
在关闭或升级 ONTAP 后,延迟会增加

Last Updated:


任何具有 Flash Cache 的 FAS 型号( PAM 或 NVMe SSD )


在重新启动,关闭或升级后, ONTAP 可能会报告延迟较高。extCache.warmingextCache.aggregate.invalidate系统会记录 EMS 日志 " " 或 " ,例如:
 Sun Jul 26 09:41:38 -0500 [clus1-02: cf_giveback: extCache.aggregate.invalidate:info]: WAFL external cache: Started deferred invalidations for 2 aggregates. Sun Jul 26 09:41:38 -0500 [clus1-02: ec_exempt_worker_thread: extCache.aggregate.invalidate:info]: WAFL external cache: Starting deferred invalidation for aggregate in map slot 4. Sun Jul 26 09:41:38 -0500 [clus1-02: ec_exempt_worker_thread: extCache.aggregate.invalidate:info]: WAFL external cache: Starting deferred invalidation for aggregate in map slot 3. Sun Jul 26 09:41:41 -0500 [clus1-02: ec_exempt_worker_thread: extCache.aggregate.invalidate:info]: WAFL external cache: Completed invalidation for aggregate in map slot 4 in 3 seconds. Sun Jul 26 09:41:41 -0500 [clus1-02: ec_exempt_worker_thread: extCache.aggregate.invalidate:info]: WAFL external cache: Completed invalidation for aggregate in map slot 3 in 3 seconds. Sun Jul 26 09:41:41 -0500 [clus1-02: ec_exempt_worker_thread: extCache.aggregate.invalidate:info]: WAFL external cache: All pending deferred aggregate invalidations have completed. Total elapsed time: 3 seconds. 

此外,在 System Manager 或 Active IQ Unified Manager 中也可能会出现延迟。以下是一个在 7 月 26 日刚刚升级 ONTAP 的系统的几个示例,您可以在 7 月 27 日午夜看到延迟略高:

可执行 .png

ActiveIQ 会显示 " 聚合操作 " 集群组件中的延迟增加,或者硬盘驱动器的延迟基本上增加,因为从 Flash Cache 读取的百分比较低。

2. PNG


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