
启用SMB 3加密会降低CIFS性能

perf<a>加密</a><a>性能</a><a>CIFS</a><a>SMB 3.0</a><a>SMB 3.1.1</a>
Last Updated:


  • ONTAP 9
  • SMB 3
  • SMB签名和/或SMB加密
  • FAS 2500 系列


  • 启用SMB 3加密后、观察到CIFS会话的吞吐量降低或延迟增加
  • SMB签名已启用、此时将显示以下消息:
Node: FAS2554-01 Time: Tue, May 03 20:44:54 2022 -0400 Severity: ALERT Message: Nblade.cifsNonAesNiBytesProc: Excessive SMB3 cryptographic processing load (AES-NI instruction set is not supported). Description: This message occurs when a system with CPUs that do not support the AES-NI instruction set is performing SMB3 encryption or signing of a large amount of data. These cryptographic operations can degrade performance severely for both SMB and other system operations. Corrective Action: Avoid encrypted or signed SMB3 traffic on systems that do not support the AES-NI instruction set. Source: SMBOffloadPool_00 Sequence#: 1065458


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