
无法通过 SSH/Telnet 访问 Brocade 交换机

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  • Brocade 交换机


  • 无法通过 SSH 或 Telnet 连接到 Brocade 交换机。
  • ipFilter -show 输出确认允许 TCP 端口 22 ( SSH )和 TCP 端口 23 ( Telnet )流量。

ipfilter --show     :

Name: default_ipv4, Type: ipv4, State: active
Rule   Source IP            Protocol   Dest Port   Action
1    any                       tcp    22    permit
2    any                       tcp    23    permit
3    any                       tcp     80    permit
4    any                       tcp    443    permit
5    any                       udp    161    permit
6    any                       udp    123    permit
7    any                       tcp    600 - 1023    permit
8    any                       udp    600 - 1023    permit

Name: default_ipv6, Type: ipv6, State: active
Rule   Source IP            Protocol   Dest Port   Action
1    any                       tcp    22    permit
2    any                       tcp    23    permit
3    any                       tcp     80    permit
4    any                       tcp    443    permit
5    any                       udp    161    permit
6    any                       udp    123    permit
7    any                       tcp    600 - 1023    permit
8    any                       udp    600 - 1023    permit

  • 错误转储报告以下错误:

2020/10/18-13:54:23, [SEC-1329], 67993, FID 128, ERROR, switch1, IPFilter enforcement:Failed to enforce ipfilter policy of IPV4 type because of -24.

2020/10/18-13:54:23, [SEC-1329], 67994, FID 128, ERROR, switch1, IPFilter enforcement:Failed to enforce ipfilter policy of IPV6 type because of -24.


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