S3 SnapMirror自创建以来未从源复制S3对象
- ONTAP 9.10.1
- S3 SnapMirror
- S3 SnapMirror 目标分段为空、尚未从源收到任何对象
- 查看
vserver object-store-server bucket show -instance
的输出时、报告的对象计数为"0" - FabricLink状态显示 "过期"
Source::> snapmirror show
source-path destination-path status
---------------------------------- ------------------------------------ ------
vs1:/bucket/objstore1 vs2:/bucket/objstore2 Idle
Source::*> set advanced
Source::*> snapmirror show -destination-path vs2:/bucket/objstore2 -instance
FabricLink Source Role: t-cust-sample
FabricLink Source Bucket: active-mirror
FabricLink Peer Role: objstore2
FabricLink Peer Bucket: active-mirror
FabricLink Topology: 2bb97b19-c195-11ed-b974-d039ea02d0f8
FabricLink Pull Byte Count: 0
FabricLink Push Byte Count: 1202592954410
FabricLink Pending Work Count: 381
FabricLink Status: 10d overdue: 381 objects to transfer, pushing 1120.0GB
- 源集群上显示了以下FabricLink错误
Source*> fabriclink history
0 sec ago: L2 work failed during enum because error 192 at fl_engine_enum.cc:100 {ENUM A700B628-CF3D-11ED-AB4E-005056BBF90F:// for L2..} (5070404 hits over 2251 sec)
0 sec ago: L1 work failed during put because error 192 at fl_engine_put.cc:72 {PUT chap=1028.104.215154582:1,obj=1027.100.215061143,name=obj3.txt to A700B628-CF3D-11ED-AB4E-005056BBF90F:///obj3.txt for L1} (1694512 hits over 2251 sec)