在表 SnapMirror 的 next( )中检测到环路
- ONTAP 9.8、9.7P8、9.8P10
- 负载共享( LS )镜像
应用程序在表 "snapmirror" 的 ZAPI 调用中报告 "Loop detected in next () " 错误。
[DBG] Running Command Get-NcSnapmirror controller name : clus.mgmt.netapp.com, vserver :
[ERR] API exception
[ERR] Failed to run a command Get-NcSnapmirror
[DBG] ex.Message : Loop detected in next() for table snapmirror...<removed rest of line>
curl :
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
<netapp version='1.180' xmlns='http://www.netapp.com/filer/admin'>
<!-- Output of snapmirror-get-iter [Execution Time: 265 ms] -->
<results reason='Loop detected in next() for table snapmirror. Next on "svm0.1:vol10 - svm0.1 vol10 XDP - 0 52760367-9bba-11eb-a5c3-005056bba634 2159470615 1035 svm0:vol_vol10_dest - svm0 vol_vol10_dest" returned "cluster-2://svm0/svm0_root cluster-2 svm0 svm0_root LS 216ca882-96fe-11eb-a5c3-005056bba634 3 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 2159470605 1036 cluster-2://svm0/svm0_root_m1 cluster-2 svm0 svm0_root_m1".' errno='13001' status='failed'/>