FG SnapMirror计划更新失败、并显示错误Transfer did not start、因为此关系已暂停
- ONTAP 9.12.1
- FlexGroup
- SnapMirror计划的更新在卷移动后失败。
MonApr 03 16:05:00 [node01: sm_logger_main:smc.snapmir.update.fail:error]: Snapmirror update from source volume 'svm1:vol1' to destination volume 'dr_svm1:dr_vol1' failed with error 'Transfer did not start because the relationship is quiesced.'. Relationship UUID'b12fb5b6-5bd8-11ed-98fd-d039ea983852'
- SnapMirror show输出
cluster::> snapmirror show
Source Path: svm1:voll
Destination Path: dr_svm1:dr_vol1
Relationship Type: XDP
SnapMirror Schedule: hourly
SnapMirror Policy Type: mirror-vault
SnapMirror Policy: XDPDefault
Tries Limit: -
Throttle (KB/sec): unlimited
Mirror State: Snapmirrored
Relationship Status: Idle
Transfer Snapshot: -
Snapshot Progress: -
Total Progress: -
etwork Compression Ratio: -
Snapshot Checkpoint: -
Healthy: false
Unhealthy Reason: Scheduled update failed to start. (Transfer did not start because the relationship is quiesced.)