将SnapMirror TDP目标卷初始化为SnapMirror关系的源时出现错误消息
- Data ONTAP 8 7-模式
- 过渡数据保护(TDP) SnapMirrors
在尝试初始化源卷也是活动SnapMirror类型TDP (又称过渡)关系的目标的SnapMirror关系时、会报告以下错误消息
Failed to get information for source volume TDPDest_vServer:TDPDest_Vol for confirmation.
(Source TDPDest_vServer:TDPDest_Vol is a transition volume) Using a transition volume as a SnapMirror source volume is not supported.
[<NODE>: repl_Handle_reg: repl.src.snaps.check.failed:error]: SnapMirror operation failed because the reference and/or the transfer Snapshot copies on the source volume are either a) from a release prior to Data ONTAP 8.2 b) captured in a nonclustered format c) not upgraded to dual inode space. These Snapshot copies cannot be used for logical transfer.