System Manager会显示igroup"已部分连接"状态
- ONTAP 9.11x+
- System Manager会显示igrop和端口集的
partially connected
- 警报详细信息用于标识 具有当前启动程序连接的LIF:
- EMS日志显示:
Partially connected Initiator 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx' is not logged in to any network interfaces on node "node1"
- FC启动程序似乎仅登录到其中一个节点。
igroup show -instance -vserver v1 -igroup ig1
Vserver Name: v1
Igroup Name: ig1
Protocol: fcp
OS Type: vmware
Portset Binding Igroup: -
Initiators:21:00:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx (node1) (not logged in)
21:00:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx (node2) ( logged in)
- iSCSI启动程序显示它们已登录:
igroup show -instance -vserver svm_iscsi -igroup iscsi_svm_hv
Vserver Name: svm_iscsi
Igroup Name: iscsi_svm_hv
Protocol: mixed
OS Type: hyper_v
Portset Binding Igroup: -
Igroup UUID: 1672833e-ab48-11ef-91b0-d039eabda81a
ALUA: true
Initiators: (logged in) (logged in)
- 在存储端的两个节点上、用于托管此生命周期的两个节点上的生命周期以及相应的端口均已启动并联机
)从同一启动程序记录的登录事件丢失、 表示主机重新启动后无法建立与存储的连接:
Fri Dec 22 16:57:02 +0530 [NetApp1: fct_tpd_work_thread_0: scsitarget.fct.portLogin:notice]: Login at target FC port: '0e' by initiator port: 'aa:00:00:10:9b:yy:xy:xx' address 0x106xx. The target virtual port is: 'NetApp FC Target Port (8324) svm:lif_1'.
Fri Dec 22 17:01:48 +0530 [NetApp1: bcomd: san.initiator.login.missing:notice]: Initiator "aa:00:00:10:9b:yy:xy:xx" is not logged in to any LIFs on this node for Vserver "svm", portset "fc_pset_1". Access to LUNs might be disrupted if a failover occurs.
Fri Dec 22 17:16:48 +0530 [NetApp1: bcomd: san.initiator.login:notice]: Missing login for initiator "aa:00:00:10:9b:yy:xy:xx", Vserver "svm", portset "xxx", has been logged on.
- 启动程序已登录到nodeA的LIF、但未登录到配对节点的LIF、 EMS日志中会显示以下错误消息:
Initiator "10:00:00:00:aa:xx:yy:xx" is not logged in to any network interfaces on node "Nodeb".