FabricPool :无法添加对象存储并收到"访问被拒绝"错误
- NetApp ONTAP 9.
- NetApp ONTAP System Manager
- NetApp云管理器
- NetApp Cloud Volumes ONTAP (任何受支持的公共云提供商)
- FabricPool
- 本地层(聚合)
- 云层(对象存储)
获取"访问被拒绝"错误—在FabricPoool/Cloud Tiering相关操作期间出现错误、例如:
- 正在尝试通过Cloud Manager创建新的复合聚合
- 正在尝试向ONTAP添加云层
- ONTAP命令行界面
cluster1::> object-store config create -object-store-name my-s3-store -provider-type AWS_S3 -server s3.amazonaws.com -ssl-enabled true -port 443 -container-name jsiva-fp -ipspace Default -access-key <access-key> -secret-password <secret-password>
(storage aggregate object-store config create)
Error: command failed: Cannot verify availability of the object store from node cluster1-02. Reason: Access denied.
- 正在尝试将云层附加到本地层
- ONTAP命令行界面
cluster1::> storage aggregate object-store attach -aggregate aggr2 -object-store-name StorageAccount
Warning: Once an aggregate becomes a FabricPool, there is no way to reverse the
process and make it a non-FabricPool. Do you want to continue?
{y|n}: y
Error: command failed: Cannot verify availability of the object store from node cluster1-01. Reason: Access denied.
- ONTAP System Manager