加密卷移动失败,并显示错误 "Internal error.无法生成加密密钥 "
- ONTAP 9.6+
启用板载密钥管理( OKM )后,在加密卷上执行卷移动失败并显示错误:
Detailed Status: Creating volume: Internal error. Cannot generate encryption key. Verify the network configuration and the key manager servers are reachable.
此信息可通过 "volume move show
" 命令显示
cluster:> vol move show -vserver SVM1 -volume vol1 Vserver Name: SVM1 Volume Name: vol1 Actual Completion Time: Mon Sep 14 15:30:21 2020 Bytes Remaining: - Destination Aggregate: aggr1_node1 Detailed Status: Creating volume: Internal error. Cannot generate encryption key. Verify the network configuration and the key manager servers are reachable. Estimated Time of Completion: - Managing Node: Node3 Percentage Complete: - Move Phase: failed Estimated Remaining Duration: - Replication Throughput: - Duration of Move: 00:15:01 Source Aggregate: aggr1_node3 c Start Time of Move: Mon Sep 14 15:15:20 2020 Move State: failed Is Source Volume Encrypted: true Encryption Key ID of Source Volume: 00000000000000000200000000000500xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0000000000000000 Is Destination Volume Encrypted: true Encryption Key ID of Destination Volume: 00000000000000000200000000000500xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0000000000000000