

Last Updated:


  • ONTAP 9
  • 卷效率


  • 卷效率操作不运行或需要很长时间才能运行
  • 重复数据删除指纹数据库报告的陈旧值超过20%:
Cluster1::> volume efficiency show -vserver svm1 -volume vol1
Vserver Name: svm1
Volume Name: vol1
Volume Path: /vol/vol1
State: Enabled
Status: Idle
Progress: Idle for 2442:28:50
Type: Regular
Schedule: -
Efficiency Policy Name: -
Blocks Skipped Sharing: 0
Last Operation State: Success
Last Success Operation Begin: Mon Nov 07 16:05:00 2022
Last Success Operation End: Mon Nov 07 17:31:38 2022
Last Operation Begin: Mon Nov 07 16:05:00 2022
Last Operation End: Mon Nov 07 17:31:38 2022
Last Operation Size: 88.91GB
Last Operation Error: -
Changelog Usage: 100%
Logical Data Size: 127.0GB
Logical Data Limit: 640TB
Logical Data Percent: 0%
Queued Job: -
Stale Fingerprint Percentage: 62
Compression: true
Inline Compression: true
Constituent Volume: false
Inline Dedupe: true
Data Compaction: true
Cross Volume Inline Deduplication: true
Cross Volume Background Deduplication: true
Extended Compressed Data: true
  • 使用的聚合空间Temporary Deduplication
Cluster1::> volume show-footprint -vserver svm1 -volume vol1
Volume : vol1
Feature                      Used    Used%
--------------------------------    ----------------    -----
Volume Data Footprint              76.8GB     1%
Footprint in Performance Tier          76.8GB    100%
Flexible Volume Metadata             896MB     0%
Deduplication                   765MB     0%
Temporary Deduplication              492MB     0%
Cross Volume Deduplication            1.03GB     0%
Delayed Frees                  47.9MB     0%
Total                      80.0GB     1%
  • 由于聚合空间不足、效率任务无法完成
  • 已尝试执行所有其他空间回收策略

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