
ONTAP FlexArray 多磁盘严重错误: RAID 组中无奇偶校验磁盘的致命磁盘错误

Last Updated:


  • ONTAP 9
  • Data ONTAP 8.x
  • FlexArray


  • 一个控制器崩溃,其中包括:

Panic String: aggr AGGR1: raid volfsm, fatal disk error in RAID group with no parity disk. raid type raid0
Group name plex0/rg2 state NORMAL 1 disk failed in the group. Disk SWXX1:11-38.206L17 Shelf - Bay - [NETAPP INF-01-00 0810]
S/N [XXXXX] error no valid path to disk.

  • 两个节点在 EMS 中报告类似事件:

Sat May 29 08:06:49 +0200 [node-02: slifc_asyncd_1: mlm.array.lun.PathRemoved:info]: Array LUN 'SWXX1:11-38.206L17' (XXXXX) is no longer available on initiator port 1a through array1's target port: WWNN: 200200a098xxxxxxx, WWPN: 201200a098xxxxxxx.
Sat May 29 08:06:49 +0200 [node-02: slifc_asyncd_1: mlm.array.lun.OnePath:error]: Array LUN 'SWXX1:11-38.206L17' is connected using only one path. To avoid the potential for data loss caused by the remaining path's failure, all array LUNs should have at least two paths.

  • 检测到磁盘通信的基本超时:

[node-01: disk_server_1: disk.ioFailed:error]: params: {'deviceName': 'SWXX1:11-38.206L17', 'returnCode': '2', 'pathRetryCount': '0', 'adapterStatus': '0xd', 'cdb': '0x28:566d0f00:0010', 'basicTimeout': '15', 'iASCQ': '0x0', 'iSenseKey': '0x0', 'sSenseCode': '', 'ETime': '4845860', 'iASC': '0x0', 'victimRetryCount': '3', 'sSenseKey': 'SCSI:no sense', 'targetStatus': '0x0', 'retryCount': '3', 'pathsTried': '0', 'timeoutRetryCount': '0'}


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