
如何查看 AIX hdisk 和 NetApp LUN 之间的映射?

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以下示例说明了如何确定哪个 AIX hdisk 正在使用哪个 NetApp LUN 。在此,我们希望了解哪个 NetApp LUN 映射到 AIXhdisk6 。AIX 本机命令用于获取更多信息、因为客户尚未安装 AIX 主机实用程序套件。

AIX 服务器命令:

此命令将显示 NetApp WWPN 、 AIX HDisk 、 NetApp LUN ID :

aix-cn22:/# lscfg |grep NetApp
* hdisk6           U0.1-P1-I6/Q1-W500A098196981B83-L5000000000000  MPIO NetApp FCP Default PCM Disk   ----> NETAPP WWPN and Lun id 5 (L5).
* hdisk7           U0.1-P1-I6/Q1-W500A098196981B83-L0              MPIO NetApp FCP Default PCM Disk   ----> NETAPP WWPN and Lun id 0 (L0).
* hdisk10          U0.1-P1-I6/Q1-W500A098196981B83-LF000000000000  MPIO NetApp FCP Default PCM Disk   ----> NETAPP WWPN and Lun id 15 (LF).
* hdisk11          U0.1-P1-I6/Q1-W500A098196981B83-LB000000000000  MPIO NetApp FCP Default PCM Disk   ----> NETAPP WWPN and Lun id 11 (LB).
* hdisk12          U0.1-P1-I6/Q1-W500A098196981B83-L1000000000000  MPIO NetApp FCP Default PCM Disk   ----> NETAPP WWPN and Lun id 1 (L1).
* hdisk2                                                           NetApp iSCSI LUN
* hdisk3                                                           NetApp iSCSI LUN
* hdisk9                                                           MPIO NetApp iSCSI Disk

此命令将显示此 AIX 服务器上安装的光纤通道( FC )适配器:

aix-cn22:/ lsdev -C |grep FC
fcs0         Available 1V-08         FC Adapter
fcs1         Available 1n-08         FC Adapter
fscsi0       Available 1V-08-01      FC SCSI I/O Controller Protocol Device
fscsi1       Available 1n-08-02      FC SCSI I/O Controller Protocol Device
hdisk4       Defined   1V-08-01      MPIO NetApp FCP Default PCM Disk
hdisk5       Defined   1V-08-01      MPIO NetApp FCP Default PCM Disk
hdisk6       Available 1V-08-01      MPIO NetApp FCP Default PCM Disk
hdisk7       Available 1V-08-01      MPIO NetApp FCP Default PCM Disk
hdisk8       Defined   1n-08-02      MPIO NetApp FCP Default PCM Disk
hdisk10      Available 1V-08-01      MPIO NetApp FCP Default PCM Disk
hdisk11      Available 1V-08-01      MPIO NetApp FCP Default PCM Disk
hdisk12      Available 1V-08-01      MPIO NetApp FCP Default PCM Disk
hdisk14      Defined   1V-08-01      MPIO NetApp FCP Default PCM Disk


命令将为您提供 hdisk 的相应 LUN 序列号:

bash-4.4# lscfg -vl hdisk8
hdisk8 Other iSCSI Disk Drive

Machine Type and Model......LUN C-Mode
ROS Level and ID............39353030
Serial Number...............80Ejn?Lq
Device Specific.(Z0)........0000043270181002
Device Specific.(Z1)........ZilO
Device Specific.(Z2)........S262
Device Specific.(Z3)........0
Device Specific.(Z4)........

注意: LUN 序列号必须使用序列号和设备专用( Z1 )(即 80Ejn ? LqZilO )进行计算


此命令将显示 FC 适配器的 WWPN :

aix-cn22:/# lscfg -vl fcs0
  fcs0             U0.1-P1-I6/Q1  FC Adapter

     Part Number.................00P4295
     EC Level....................A
     Serial Number...............1F351094BC
     Customer Card ID Number.....5704
     FRU Number..................00P4297
     Device Specific.(ZM)........3
     Network Address.............10000000C9375B9A ----> WWPN of the FCS0 adapter on the AIX server, match this with the igroup show output on the Filer.
     ROS Level and ID............02E01974
     Device Specific.(Z0)........2003806D
     Device Specific.(Z1)........00000000
     Device Specific.(Z2)........00000000
     Device Specific.(Z3)........03000909
     Device Specific.(Z4)........FF601410
     Device Specific.(Z5)........02E01974
     Device Specific.(Z6)........06631974
     Device Specific.(Z7)........07631974
     Device Specific.(Z8)........20000000C9375B9A
     Device Specific.(Z9)........HS1.91X4
     Device Specific.(ZA)........H1D1.91X4
     Device Specific.(ZB)........H2D1.91X4
     Device Specific.(ZC)........00000000
     Hardware Location Code......U0.1-P1-I6/Q1


注:如果安装了 AIX 主机实用程序套件,则以下命令将显示磁盘到 LUN 的映射信息:

aix-cn22:/# sanlun fcp show adapter

fcs0         WWPN:10000000c9375b9a

aix-cn22:/#sanlun lun show
    filer:           lun-pathname        device filename  adapter  protocol          lun size         lun state
fas3050cl2-cn:  /vol/aix/lun/hdisk12.lun  hdisk7           fcs0     FCP            2g (2147483648)     GOOD
fas3050cl2-cn:  /vol/lun/lunaix           hdisk6           fcs0     FCP        555.0g (595933003776)   GOOD
fas3050cl2-cn:  /vol/aix/lun/hdisk15.lun  hdisk10          fcs0     FCP           25g (26843545600)    GOOD
fas3050cl2-cn:  /vol/aix/lun/hdisk11.lun  hdisk11          fcs0     FCP            5g (5368709120)     GOOD
fas3050cl2-cn:  /vol/aix/lun/db12_SdLun   hdisk12          fcs0     FCP          2.0g (2168455168)     GOOD


cluster1::> fcp show adapter
Slot:               0c
Description:        Fibre Channel Target Adapter 0c (Dual-channel, QLogic 2322 (2362) rev. 3)
Adapter Type:       Local
Status:             ONLINE
FC Nodename:        50:0a:09:80:86:98:1b:83 (500a098086981b83)
FC Portname:        50:0a:09:81:96:98:1b:83 (500a098196981b83)
Standby:            No

Slot:               0d
Description:        Fibre Channel Target Adapter 0d (Dual-channel, QLogic 2322 (2362) rev. 3)
Adapter Type:       Local
Status:             ONLINE
FC Nodename:        50:0a:09:80:86:98:1b:83 (500a098086981b83)
FC Portname:        50:0a:09:82:96:98:1b:83 (500a098296981b83)
Standby:            No

cluster1::> igroup show
        aix (FCP) (ostype: aix):
        10:00:00:00:c9:37:5b:9a (logged in on: 0c)

cluster1::> lun show -v
 /vol/lun/lunaix            555.0g (595933003776)  (r/w, online, mapped)
                Serial#: C4iQiJMWJEac
                Share: none
                Space Reservation: enabled
                Multiprotocol Type: aix
                Maps: aix=5

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