

Last Updated:


  • ONTAP 9
  • CIFS
  • Kerberos


  • EMS
::> event log show -event *secd.ldap.noServers* -severity *
Time         Node       Severity    Event
------------------- ---------------- ------------- ---------------------------
3/20/2023 13:47:47  cluster-n02   EMERGENCY   secd.ldap.noServers: None of the LDAP servers configured for Vserver (svm1) are currently accessible via the network for LDAP service type (Service: LDAP (Active Directory), Operation: SiteDiscovery).
3/20/2023 13:47:35  cluster-n01   EMERGENCY   secd.ldap.noServers: None of the LDAP servers configured for Vserver (svm1) are currently accessible via the network for LDAP service type (Service: LDAP (Active Directory), Operation: SiteDiscovery).
  • GET—dc—info间歇性失败:
::> set adv
Warning: These advanced commands are potentially dangerous; use them only when directed to do so by NetApp personnel.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
::*> vserver services access-check authentication get-dc-info -node cluster-n01 -vserver svm1
Error: command failed: RPC call to SecD failed. RPC: "SecD Error: no server
available".  Reason: "".
  • MS-LDAP服务器不可用:
::*> cifs domain discovered-servers show -node cluster-n01 -vserver svm1
Node: cluster-n01
Vserver: svm1
Domain Name    Type    Preference  DC-Name   DC-Address     Status
--------------- -------- ----------  --------- ---------------   ---------
naslab.local KERBEROS    favored    india10    10.xx.xx.245    undetermined
naslab.local KERBEROS    favored    india14    10.xx.xx.241    undetermined
naslab.local KERBEROS    favored    india33  undetermined
naslab.local MS-LDAP    favored     india10    10.xx.xx.245    unavailable
naslab.local MS-LDAP    favored     india14    10.xx.xx.241    unavailable
naslab.local MS-LDAP    favored     india33    169.xx.yy.203    unavailable

naslab.local MS-DC      favored    india10    10.xx.xx.245     undetermined
naslab.local MS-DC      favored    india14    10.xx.xx.241     undetermined
naslab.local MS-DC      favored    india33    169.xx.yy.203   OK
  • 对于AD-LDAP通信、客户端会话安全性设置为签名:
::*> cifs security show -vserver svm1 -fields session-security-for-ad-ldap
vserver session-security-for-ad-ldap
------- ----------------------------
svm1  sign
  • SECD日志显示SASL绑定到LDAP服务器失败:
[kern_secd:info:9440] | [000.039.193]  debug:  ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s returned -2  { in ldapSaslBindGssapi() at src/connection_manager/secd_connection.cpp:666 }
[kern_secd:info:9440] | [000.039.200]  ERR  :  Unable to SASL bind to LDAP server using GSSAPI: Local error { in ldapSaslBindGssapi() at src/connection_manager/secd_connection.cpp:670 }
[kern_secd:info:9440] | [000.039.210]  info :  Additional info: SASL(-1): generic failure: GSSAPI Error: Unspecified GSS failure.  Minor code may provide more information (Server not found in Kerberos database) { in ldapSaslBindGssapi() at src/connection_manager/secd_connection.cpp:673 }
[kern_secd:info:9440] | [000.039.216]  ERR  :  RESULT_ERROR_LDAPSERVER_LOCAL_ERROR:7643 in ldapSaslBindGssapi() at src/connection_manager/secd_connection.cpp:677
[kern_secd:info:9440] | [000.039.221] ERR  :  ldapSaslBindGssapi: LDAP Error: (-2): 'Local error':
  • 运行多次后、getxxbyyy gethostbyaddr会为DC IP返回不同的主机名:
::*> vserver services name-service getxxbyyy gethostbyaddr -node cluster-n01 -vserver svm1 -ipaddress 10.xx.xx.245
(vserver services name-service getxxbyyy gethostbyaddr)
IP address: 10.xx.xx.245
Host name: india10.naslab.local
Alias: NASLAB.naslab.local
Alias: gc._msdcs.naslab.local
::*> vserver services name-service getxxbyyy gethostbyaddr -node cluster-n01 -vserver svm1 -ipaddress 10.xx.xx.245
IP address: 10.xx.xx.245
Host name: NASLAB.naslab.local
Alias: india10.naslab.local
Alias: gc._msdcs.naslab.local
::*> vserver services name-service getxxbyyy gethostbyaddr -node cluster-n01 -vserver svm1 -ipaddress 10.xx.xx.245
IP address: 10.xx.xx.245
Host name: gc._msdcs.naslab.local
Alias: india10.naslab.local
Alias: NASLAB.naslab.local

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