
EMS "nblade.nfsConnResetAndClose with Reason OncRpcTcpInvalidRecordMarker" 的原因

Last Updated:


  • ONTAP 9
  • NFS


  • EMS.log 记录类型错误 Nblade.invTcpRecordMarker
  • 可能会伴随类型错误 Nblade.nfsConnResetAndClose 和原因 Nblade.InvTcpRecordMarker

Nblade.invTcpRecordMarker: Invalid TCP record marker received from remote IP address x.x.x.x on local port xxxx. Vserver ID associated with this operation is x.
Invalid reason is TCP_FRAGMENT, invalid record marker is xxxxxxxxx.

Nblade.nfsConnResetAndClose: Shutting down connection with the client. Vserver ID is x; network data protocol is NFS; client IP address:port is x.x.x.x:xxx. local IP address is x.x.x.x; reason is OncRpcTcpInvalidRecordMarker.

  • 如果由于 Open Network Computation/Remote 操作步骤 Call 请求中的 TCP 记录标记无效而重置 TCP 连接,则会显示此错误消息。
  • 每个 NFS 调用的头端都是 RPC 调用,如果此 RPC 调用的位数不正确或 ONTAP 不希望从客户端调用,则 ONTAP 将重置客户端 TCP 连接。
  • 因此、 Nblade.nfsConnResetAndClose 可能会出现第二个错误。
  • 此错误消息将指定哪个客户端为存储器提供了不正确的 RPC 标头,所使用的本地 TCP 端口, Vserver 以及记录标记。
  • 以下是 ONC RPC 标头的无效 TCP 记录标记的不同子类型。

注意:对于以下所有 3 种情况, 请与客户端供应商一起调查 客户端发送无效记录标记的原因。

  1. tcp_fragment:客户端发送的 RPC TCP 片段当前不受支持。

Nblade.invTcpRecordMarker:error]: Invalid TCP record marker received from remote
IP address x.x.x.x on local port xxxx. Vserver ID associated with this operation is x.
Invalid reason is TCP_FRAGMENT, invalid record marker is 4.

2.tcp_data_llength _overflow:收到的记录标记大于支持的最大大小( 70KB 8.2 之前的大小)。300 KB 8.2 及更高, 9.0 及更高版本中为 1 MB )

Nblade.invTcpRecordMarker:error]: Invalid TCP record marker received from remote
IP address x.x.x.x on local port xxxx. Vserver ID associated with this operation is x.
Invalid reason is TCP_DATA_LENGTH_OVERFLOW, invalid record marker is xxxxxxxxx.

3.tcp_data_llef_undleflow:收到的记录标记小于支持的最小大小(记录标记必须大于或等于 40 字节)

Nblade.invTcpRecordMarker:error]: Invalid TCP record marker received from remote
IP address x.x.x.x on local port xxxx. Invalid reason is TCP_DATA_LENGTH_UNDERFLOW, invalid record marker is 24.


出现此消息的一个可能原因是、客户端会运行 telnet xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx 2049 以确认NFS的可访问性。

Linux client : 
[root@RHELClient8 ~]# telnet 10.xx.yy.211 2049
Trying 10.xx.yy.211...
Connected to 10.xx.yy.211.
Escape character is '^]'.
telnet> ^C
Connection closed by foreign host.

[root@RHELClient8 ~]# ifconfig -a
ens192: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
     inet 10.zz.xx.79 netmask  broadcast 10.zz.xx.255

cdot_vsim8::> date ; event log show -event *Nblade*

Time         Node        Severity    Event
------------------- ---------------- ------------- ---------------------------
4/14/2021 16:55:48  node1       ERROR     Nblade.nfsConnResetAndClose: Shutting down connection with the client. Vserver ID is 2; network data protocol is NFS, Rpc Xid 0x0; client IP address:port is 10.zz.xx.79:33504. local IP address is 10.xx.yy.211; reason is OncRpcTcpInvalidRecordMarker.
4/14/2021 16:55:48  node1       ERROR     Nblade.invTcpRecordMarker: Invalid TCP record marker received from remote IP address 10.zz.xx.79 on local port 2049. Vserver ID associated with this operation is 2. Invalid reason is TCP_FRAGMENT, invalid record marker is 218824696.



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