之后,在其主 ifgrp 的基础端口上发现 LIF ONTAP 9 中的非正常关闭
- 在非正常关闭(例如断电)并进行后续恢复后、如果LIF之前驻留在单端口ifgrp上、则可能会在其ifgrp的基本端口上找到它。
- 在这种情况下、您可能会发现EMS错误、例如:
[vifmgr_virtual_interface_iterator::move_imp] Well-known error thrown while moving LIF LIF_NAME (1000): Failed to update LIF "LIF_NAME" because port "CLUSTER-01:a0a" is in a different broadcast domain than the LIF's home port. Use the "network port broadcast-domain show" command to identify a port in the same broadcast domain as port "CLUSTER-01:e0c"
[kern_vifmgr:info:5526] [0x8089b2800] [FailoverMgr::scanIncorrigibleVifs] LIF LIF_NAME (1000) has no available failover targets on this node.
- 运行时
network interface show -lif LIF_NAME -instance
Operational Status: down
Extended Status: This LIF is down because all failover targets are either down or otherwise unavailable. Use the "network interface show -failover" command to review the LIF's failover configuration.
- 在这种情况下、您可能也无法从LIF执行ping操作、这表示没有来自该接口的网络连接。