ONTAP 9.11.1及更高版本
- 此时将显示以下EMS消息:
Mon Sep 26 02:09:05 +0900 [node01: kernel: netif.tcp.conn.bad.checksum:error]: TCP packet with bad checksum detected on port e0c. The packet arrived on connection with source address xx.xx.xx.xx and destination_address xx.xx.x.xx.
- 错误的TCP ksum在中的端口上也在增加
::> system node run -node node_name -command ifstat port_name
-- interface e0c (40 days, 5 hours, 34 minutes, 37 seconds) --
Total frames: 2047m | Frames/second: 589 | Total bytes: 2625g
Bytes/second: 755k | Total errors: 0 | Errors/minute: 0
LRO bytes: 2527g | LRO6 segments: 0 | LRO6 bytes: 0
Bad UDP cksum: 0 | Bad UDP6 cksum: 0 | Bad TCP cksum: 21
Bad TCP6 cksum: 0 | Mcast v6 solicit: 0 | Lagg errors: 0