
显示 FlexCache 接合路径的安全信息失败,并显示 " 操作不受支持 " 。

Last Updated:


ONTAP 9.7 和 9.8


尝试使用 file-directory 命令显示恰好是 FlexCache 卷接合路径的路径的安全信息时,
已使用 ONTAP 9.7 和 9.8 进行测试。
cluster2::*> flexcache show -instance
(volume flexcache show)
Vserver Name: svm1
Cache Volume Name: fc1
List of Aggregates for FlexGroup Constituents: aggr1_cluster2_01
Volume Size: 160MB
Cache Flexgroup MSID: 2147684589
Origin Vserver Name: svm1
Origin Vserver UUID: 46daef3b-572c-11eb-b13f-005056a0924f
Origin Volume Name: vol1
Origin Volume MSID: 2147684578
Origin Cluster Name: cluster2
Cache Junction Path: /ju-fc1
FlexCache Create Time: Fri Feb 12 14:29:36 2021
Space Guarantee Style: volume
Relationship Type: intra-vserver
Cache Locks Honored When Disconnected: false
cluster2::*> file-directory show -vserver svm1 -path /
(vserver security file-directory show)
Vserver: svm1
File Path: /
File Inode Number: 64
Security Style: unix
Effective Style: unix
DOS Attributes: 10
DOS Attributes in Text: ----D---
Expanded Dos Attributes: -
UNIX User Id: 0
UNIX Group Id: 0
UNIX Mode Bits: 755
UNIX Mode Bits in Text: rwxr-xr-x
ACLs: -
cluster2::*> file-directory show -vserver svm1 -path /ju-fc1
(vserver security file-directory show)
Error: show failed: The specified path "/ju-fc1" cannot be used. Reason: Operation not supported.


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