

Last Updated:


  • ONTAP 9.8
  • 应用程序卷



::*> app create -application app1 -application-template NAS -parameters share-size:1g   
(application create)

Error: command failed: Internal error: Conversion of application template "NAS"
to master template "Master" failed: Internal error: Unable to reach
application translator: Failed to connect to localhost port 937:
Connection refused.


ERR: appdm::db: src/tables/appdmDb.cc:applicationExists:1679 returning: 1005/1 - Application "mqdata" was not found in Vserver "svm-01".

NOTICE: AppTemplates::Api: src/api/Api.cc:createApp:111 enter: caller:   http, vserver: svm-01, application: mqdata, template: NAS, container: true

ERR: AppTemplates::Translator: src/parse/Translator.cc:call:190 throwing: 1007/110 - Internal error. Failed locating the translation from an application template to a generic template. Reason: Failed to connect to localhost port 937: Connection refused.

ERR: AppTemplates::Translator: src/parse/Translator.cc:convertToMaster:230 throwing: 1007/111 - Internal error. Conversion of an application template "nas" to a generic template "Master" failed. Reason: Internal error. Failed locating the translation from an application template to a generic template. Reason: Failed to connect to localhost port 937: Connection refused.

ERR: AppTemplates::CreateApp: src/tables/application_create.cc:create_imp:191 returning: 1007/111 - Internal error. Conversion of an application template "nas" to a generic template "Master" failed. Reason: Internal error. Failed locating the translation from an application template to a generic template. Reason: Failed to connect to localhost port 937: Connection refused.

ERR: AppTemplates::RestApi::Root: src/tables/rest/application_rest_api.cc:create_imp:1033 returning: 1007/111 - Internal error. Conversion of an application template "nas" to a generic template "Master" failed. Reason: Internal error. Failed locating the translation from an application template to a generic template. Reason: Failed to connect to localhost port 937: Connection refused.

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