CIFS 共享访问失败,并显示错误 " 由于您的域不可用,我们无法使用此凭据登录 "
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- cifs<a>2008950388</a><a>进行翻译</a>
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- 无法访问 CIFS 共享,并显示以下错误:
\\10.xx.xx.xx is not accessible. You might not have permission to use network resources.
We cant sign in with this credentials because your domain isn't available
- Secd 日志显示以下错误消息:
[kern_secd:info:12509] | [000.055.370] ERR : NetrRpcFunc failed with error: 3 and ntstatus 0x0 { in NetrRpcFunc() at src/Actions/MsrpcServices.cpp:3252 }
[kern_secd:info:12509] | [000.055.374] ERR : RESULT_ERROR_GENERAL_FAILURE:3 in NetrRpcFunc() at src/Actions/MsrpcServices.cpp:3255
[kern_secd:info:12509] | [000.055.380] debug: NetrLogonSamLogonEx failed; invalidating SChannel key. (NT Status: 0x00000000) { in doAuthenticateWithDC() at src/authentication/secd_seclibglue.cpp:1124 }
- EMS 日志显示身份验证请求失败,并显示错误 " 直通身份验证请求失败 "
secd.cifsAuth.problem: vserver (SVM) General CIFS authentication problem. Error: User authentication procedure failed (Retries: 2) CIFS SMB2 Share mapping - Client Ip = 10.XX.XX.XX **[ 17] Attempt 1 FAILURE: Unexpected state: Error 6756 at file:src/FrameWork/ClientInfo.cpp func:RemoveAllSharesFromGlobalSession line:3548 **[ 17] Attempt 1 FAILURE: Pass-through authentication failed. (Status: 0xC000005E)