
DC IP更改后EMS日志*。noServers

Last Updated:


  • ONTAP 9
  • 域发现


  • 域控制器收到新IP 
  • 客户端仍具有对共享的完全访问权限
  • secd.log:
Thu Jun 22 2023 13:39:43 +02:00 [kern_secd:info:10428] |[030.348.658] debug: Found matching cache Thu Jun 22 2023 13:39:43 +02:00[kern_secd:info:10428] | [030.350.259] info : [krb5 context08E11400] Getting initialcredentials for SVM_MACHINE_ACCOUNT@DOMAIN.COM Thu Jun 22 2023 13:39:43 +02:00 [kern_secd:info:10428]| [030.350.333] info : [krb5 context 08E11400] Sending request (204 bytes) to DOMAIN.COM Thu Jun 22 2023 13:39:43 +02:00[kern_secd:info:10428] | [030.350.347] info : [krb5 context08E11400] Resolving hostname xx.xx.xx.208 Thu Jun 22 2023 13:39:43 +02:00 [kern_secd:info:10428] |[033.352.775] info : TCP connection to ip xx.xx.xx.208, port 88 failed: Operation timed out. Thu Jun 22 2023 13:39:43 +02:00 [kern_secd:info:10428] |[035.353.782] ERR : RESULT_ERROR_KERBEROS_KDC_UNREACHABLE Thu Jun 22 2023 13:39:43 +02:00[kern_secd:info:10428] | [035.353.789] ERR : getKrbInitCreds:Kerberos Error: (Cannotcontact any KDC for requested realm (KRB5_KDC_UNREACH)) Thu Jun 22 2023 13:39:43 +02:00[kern_secd:info:10428] | [035.353.808] info : Cannot contact anyKDC for requested realm (KRB5_KDC_UNREACH)
  • EMS.LOG中的每小时条目:
secd.conn.auth.failure:notice]: Vserver (SVM) could not make a connection over the network to server (ip xx.xx.xx.208, port 88). Error: Operation timed out (). secd: secd.lsa.noServers:EMERGENCY]: None of the LSA servers configured for Vserver (SVM) are currently accessible via the network.

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