
在 SnapMirror 或 SnapVault 集群中发生 raid_multierr_bad_block_1 错误后复制了 wafl.raid.incons.userdata 消息

Last Updated:


  • 具有 SapMirror 和 / 或 SnapVault 目标集群的生产集群
  • 复制的块存在用户数据不一致


  • SnapMirror 和 SnapVault 目标节点中具有相同文件块编号(FBN)和 文件 ID的 WAFL 用户数据不一致块消息。示例

Fri Sep 17 06:23:59 CEST [SnapMirror_node1: wafl_exempt02: wafl.raid.incons.userdata:error]: WAFL inconsistent: inconsistent user data block at VBN 1792908851 (vvbn:10473883 fbn:22189 level:0) in public inode (fileid:12103 snapid:0 file_type:1 disk_flags:0x8002 error:120 raid_set:0) in volume mirror_volume@vserver:mmmmmmmm-mmmm-mmmm-mmmm-mmmmmmmmmmmm.

Fri Sep 17 08:22:04 CEST [SnapVault_node1: wafl_exempt00: wafl.raid.incons.userdata:error]: WAFL inconsistent: inconsistent user data block at VBN 3028359178 (vvbn:5407137 fbn:22189 level:0) in public inode (fileid:12103 snapid:0 file_type:1 disk_flags:0x8002 error:120 raid_set:0) in volume vault_volume@vserver:vvvvvvvv-vvvv-vvvv-vvvv-vvvvvvvvvvvv.

  • 同一 FBN 和文件 ID 的源 / 生产节点中存在不一致:

Sat Sep 18 00:10:06 CEST [Production_node1: wafl_exempt01: wafl.raid.incons.userdata:error]: WAFL inconsistent: inconsistent user data block at VBN 13045486183 (vvbn:11602768 fbn:22189 level:0) in public inode (fileid:12103 snapid:0 file_type:1 disk_flags:0x2 error:120 raid_set:1) in volume production_volume@vserver:pppppppp-pppp-pppp-pppp-pppppppppppp.

  • 先前该虚拟块编号(VBN)的错误 RAID 多错误块:

Fri Sep 17 05:00:20 CEST [Production-node1: raidio_thread: raid_multierr_bad_block_1:error]: params: {'disk_rpm': '10000', 'vendor': 'NETAPP ', 'firmware_revision': 'NA02', 'shelf': '10', 'disk_info': 'Disk /Production_node1_data_aggregate/plex0/rg3/0a.10.17 Shelf 10 Bay 17 [NETAPP X425_HCBEP1T2A10 NA02] S/N [12345678] UID [5000CCA0:1D9C8D88:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000]', 'volumeBno': '13045486183', 'site': 'Local', 'bay': '17', 'carrier': '', 'serialno': 'KZJT31RH', 'owner': '', 'model': 'X425_HCBEP1T2A10', 'disk_type': '4', 'blockNum': '178266599'}


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