- AutoSupport (ASUP)
- 这是NetApp ASUP服务器 由于相关EMS事件
lccls91001-01::> system node autosupport invoke -node lccls91001-01 -type test
lccls91001-01::> system node autosupport invoke -node lccls91001-01 -type all -message test
lccls91001-01::> system node autosupport invoke -node lccls91001-01 -type all -message test2
lccls91001-01::> set d
Warning: These diagnostic commands are for use by NetApp personnel only.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
lccls91001::*> event log show -message-name callhome.*
Time Node Severity Event
------------------- ---------------- ------------- ---------------------------
12/19/2023 12:28:40 lccls91001-01 NOTICE callhome.invoke.all: User triggered complete call home for USER_TRIGGERED (ALL:test2)
12/19/2023 09:45:24 lccls91001-01 NOTICE callhome.invoke.all: User triggered complete call home for USER_TRIGGERED (ALL:test)
12/19/2023 10:50:42 lccls91001-01 NOTICE callhome.invoke: Call home for USER_TRIGGERED (TEST)
- 只有
[1] 当ASUP的 参数-support
注意:即使 -support
设置了ASUP参数(向供应商支持发送AutoSupport消息), disable
通过 AutoSupport上传 或 NetApp验证文件上传手动将用户触发的ASUP日志(包含xxx.7z格式和关键字)上传到NetApp 支持站点。 - 通过System Manager图形用户界面发送带有test关键字的用户触发ASUP。
Subject: NetApp Automated Autosupport Acknowledgement
From: asupprod@netapp.com
To: <mail address>
"Dear NetApp Customer,
This email is sent to acknowledge the receipt of the AutoSupport email from:
System ID: 1234
Hostname: Node name
The AutoSupport had the following subject line:
HA Group Notification from (USER_TRIGGERED (ALL:test)) NOTICE
You can see predictive analytics and proactive recommendations for this system in NetApp Active IQ at https://mysupport.netapp.com/myautos...temMain/Serial No./systemdashboard?source=testemail
NetApp automatically acknowledges any AutoSupport with the word "test" in the subject line. This acknowledgement is sent to the "autosupport.to" e-mail recipient(s).
Please check the following NetApp Support site link for the complete process.