使用 SED 移动卷时会发出警告
- ONTAP 9.6及更高版本
- 自加密 驱动器(SED)
当卷从一个与 非SRD关联的聚合获取其存储时、如果该卷移动到 一个与SRD关联的聚合、则会显示以下警告:
Warning: You are about to move a volume to an aggregate that has disk level encryption from an aggregate that does not.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
如果卷从与磁盘磁盘管理器关联的单个聚合获取存储、并且该卷移动到 与非磁盘管理器关联的单个聚合、则会显示以下警告:
Warning: You are about to move a volume from an aggregate that has disk level encryption to an aggregate that does not. The volume will no longer be encrypted.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y