卷移动失败、并错误地为新卷最多选择100 TB的大小
nafascl211::> vol move show -vserver vserver1 -volume vol1 -instance
Vserver Name: vserver1
Volume Name: vol1
Actual Completion Time: Fri Apr 28 19:14:13 2023
Bytes Remaining: -
Destination Aggregate: aggr2
Detailed Status: Cannot move volume "vol1" in Vserver "vserver1" to destination aggregate "aggr2". The aggregate - or the node that owns the aggregate - does not support a feature that is required by the source volume. Creating volume: Invalid input: Request to create volume failed because the given volume size is greater than the maximum size. Select a size of at most 100TB for the new volume.
Estimated Time of Completion: -
Managing Node: node1
Percentage Complete: -
Move Phase: failed
Duration of Move: 00:15:01
Source Aggregate: aggr1
Start Time of Move: Fri Apr 28 18:59:12 2023
Move State: failed
Is Source Volume Encrypted: false
Is Destination Volume Encrypted: true
nafascl211::> df -h vol1
Filesystem total used avail capacity Mounted on Vserver
/vol/vol1/ 95TB 17TB 77TB 18% --- vserver1