- FlexGroup
- FlexGroup成分卷的卷移动在98%处挂起、并 显示消息"Replication encountered an未知错误。文件系统错误。(灵活卷大小太大。)"
- 成分卷的大小为100 TB、已用百分比高于95%。
- 我们在EMS中看到以下事件
[Cluster: mgwd: mgmtgwd.jobmgr.jobcomplete.failure:info]: Job "Volume Move" [id 190330] (Move "Volume1" in Vserver "vserver1" to aggregate "aggr1") completed unsuccessfully: Cannot move volume "Volume1" in Vserver "vserver1" to destination aggregate "aggr2". The aggregate - or the node that owns the aggregate - does not support a feature that is required by the source volume. Creating volume: Invalid input: Request to create volume failed because the given volume size is greater than the maximum size. Select a size of at most 100TB for the new volume.
- FlexGroup成分卷会启用弹性大小调整、因此、每当减小卷大小时、卷大小会在一段时间后自动调整为100 TB。
[Cluster: wafl_spcd_main: monitor.volume.full:debug]: Volume Volume1@vserver:a5b96bfb-5a28-11e5-a16d-00a0985edf60 is full (using or reserving 98% of space and 57% of inodes).
[Cluster: wafl_exempt05: wafl.spacemgmnt.policyChg:notice]: The space management policy for volume Volume1 has changed: autosize volume maximum size 106300440576KB.