

Last Updated:


  • ONTAP 9
  • FlexCache


  • 无法删除卷、因为出现错误、指出此卷为FlexCache卷。
cluster1::*> volume delete -vserver vserver1 -volume vol1
Error: command failed:Volume "vol1" in Vserver"vserver1" is an origin of a FlexCache volume. To delete an origin of a FlexCache volume, you must first delete the FlexCache volumes that are in relationship with the origin. Use the "volume flexcache origin show-caches-origin-vserver vserver1 -origin-volume vol1" command to show the FlexCache volumes associated with the origin.
  • FlexCache关系仍然存在。

cluster1::> vol flexcache origin show-caches -origin-vserver vserver_1 -origin-volume fc_vol_1

Origin-Vserver Origin-Volume  Cache-Vserver  Cache-Volume  Cache-Cluster
-------------- -------------- -------------- ------------- --------------
vserver1        vol1           vserver_cache  volume_cache  cluster_2

  • 已删除对等集群上的缓存卷。
  • 尝试 [1] 按照指示步骤删除指定的FlexCache关系失败:

cluster1::> volume offline -vserver vserver1 -volume vol1

cluster1::> volume flexcache delete -vserver vserver1 -volume vol1 Error: command failed: Cannot delete volume "vol1" in Vserver "vserver1"because it is not a FlexCache volume. Use the "volume delete -vserver vserver1 -volume vol1" command to delete the volume.

  • 清理FlexCache关系引发以下错误:

cluster1::> set adv

cluster1::*> volume flexcache origin cleanup-cache-relationship -origin-vserver vserver1 -origin-volume vol1 -cache-vserver vserver_cache -cache-volume volume_cache 
Warning: This command only needs to be run if "volume flexcache delete" fails on the FlexCache cluster and prompts you to run this command. The cache configuration will be deleted and cannot be reestablished for the cache relationship between origin of a FlexCache volume vol1 in Vserver vserver1 and FlexCache volume volume_cache in Vserver vserver_cache. Running this command unless guided by the "volume flexcache delete" command or NetApp Support can lead to unwanted outcomes. Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
Error: command failed: Cannot cleanup origin of FlexCache volume vol1 in Vserver vserver1, because the volume is currently in use by another FlexCache operation. Wait a few minutes, then try the command again. If the problem persists, contact technical support for assistance.


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