- ONTAP 9.11.1.及更早版本
- 反勒索软件保护(ARP)
- 数据保护
- 从SVMDR反向重新同步失败、如下所示:
cluster_CLI::> snapmirror show -vserver svmv01 -instance
Source Path: path01:
Destination Path: destination01:
Relationship Type: XDP
Relationship Group Type: vserver
SnapMirror Schedule: 15min
SnapMirror Policy Type: async-mirror
SnapMirror Policy: MirrorAllSnapshotsDiscardNetwork
Tries Limit: -
Throttle (KB/sec): unlimited
Mirror State: Broken-off
Relationship Status: Idle
Healthy: false
Unhealthy Reason: Transfer failed
Destination Volume Node: -
Relationship ID: 52b6f2a3-615c-11ee-ab54-dxxxxxxxx4
Last Transfer Type: resync
Last Transfer Error: Transfer for volume "vol01" failed. Reason: Anti-ransomware is enabled on destination volume "vol01". Disable anti-ransomware on the destination volume and try the SnapMirror operation again. If disabling is in progress for the volume, wait until the operation is complete and then try the SnapMirror operation again.
- 尝试在目标卷上禁用ARP以允许重新同步继续时:
cluster_CLI::> volume modify -vserver svmv01 -volume vol01 -anti-ransomware-state disabled
Error: command failed: This operation is not permitted on a Vserver that is configured as the destination for identity preserve Vserver DR.
- 集群正在运行ONTAP 9。11.1 P12。