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Last Updated:


  • ONTAP 9
  • AFF A320


  • 在涉及故障转移的维护期间、节点会启动到等待交还提示、其中、在提示符后面依次输入Ctrl+C和"no"和"yes":
Waiting for giveback...(Press Ctrl-C to abort wait)
This node was previously declared dead.
Pausing to check HA partner status ... 
partner is operational and in takeover mode.
You must initiate a giveback or shutdown on the HA
partner in order to bring this node online.
The HA partner is currently operational and in takeover mode.This node cannot continue unless you initiate a giveback on the partner.
Once this is done this node will reboot automatically.
waiting for giveback...
Do you wish to halt this node rather than wait [y/n]? n
The HA partner appears to be either not operational or not in takeover
mode. You will be asked whether you want to continue. If you answer "yes", the
existing failover monitor disk state will be overwritten and this node will be
rebooted. Answering "no" will halt this node with no modification to the failover
monitor disk state.
WARNING: Answering "yes" while the HA partner is operational and in 
takeover mode will have unexpected and potentially catastrophic results:
Do you wish to continue [y/n]? y
Oct 01 12:07:31 [cluster-02:cf.fm.overwriteState:notice]: System continuing after overwriting failover monitor state!
  • 被接管节点将重新启动、并且可能发生崩溃:
Warning: previous shutdown was dirty, there is a possible loss of data.
Oct 01 12:11:04 [cluster-02:wafl.root.content.changed:error]: Contents of the root volume '' might have changed. Verify that all recent configuration changes are still in effect.
PANIC  : NVRAM contents are invalid...
  • 崩溃后、节点重新启动回ONTAP登录提示符、但反复停止:
SP-login: login: HALT:  HA partner has taken over (ic) on Sun Oct  1 12:35:34 CDT 2023
  • 之后、由于被接管节点的根卷中的WAFL元数据不一致、启动节点将发生故障:
Sun Oct 01 13:27:50 -0500 [cluster-02: wafl_exempt17: sk.panic:alert]: Panic String: Unrecoverable metadata block (file xxxx, block xxxxxxx, fbn xxxxxxx, level 1, file type 16) in aggregate partner:cluster02_root. WAFL inconsistent. Contact NetApp technical support.
  • 被接管节点(以前在启动时暂停)现在会在尝试启动时发生故障、而不是:

PANIC  : Msg execution failed during replay, vol=vol0, msg=0xfffff70067600100, type=WAFL_WRITE, errno=192, replay_idx=1, coalesced=0 coalesced_cnt=63

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NetApp provides no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy or reliability or serviceability of any information or recommendations provided in this publication or with respect to any results that may be obtained by the use of the information or observance of any recommendations provided herein. The information in this document is distributed AS IS and the use of this information or the implementation of any recommendations or techniques herein is a customer's responsibility and depends on the customer's ability to evaluate and integrate them into the customer's operational environment. This document and the information contained herein may be used solely in connection with the NetApp products discussed in this document.