升级后,通过 FTPS 上传配置备份失败
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- Category:
- ontap-9
- Specialty:
- core<a>ONTAP 升级</a><a>2009078280</a>
- Last Updated:
- ONTAP 9 (特定版本)
- ONTAP 9.6P17
- ONTAP 9.7P17-9.7P18
- ONTAP 9.8P7-9.8P11
- 尝试通过FTPS上传系统配置备份失败:
Cluster01::> set advanced
Cluster01::*> system configuration backup upload -node Cluster01-01 -backup Netapp.weekly.2022-03-06.00_25_00.7z -destination ftps://user:password@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -validate-certificate true
Uploading the configuration backup file.
Error: command failed: Upload operation of configuration backup file exited with error: Failed to upload configuration backup file "/mroot/etc/backups/config/Netapp.weekly.2022-03-06.00_25_00.7z" to
"ftps://user:password@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/Netapp.weekly.2022-03-06.00_25_00.7z". Error: Upload failed (at start/before it took off) : Failed FTP upload: 425.
- 在自动上传尝试期间、事件日志可能会显示类似于以下内容的错误:
[Cluster1-01: mgwd: configbr.uploadFailed:error]: Configuration backup file /mroot/etc/backups/config/cluster1-01.8hour.2022-02-10.18_15_04.7z cannot be uploaded to the destination URL ftps://ftpserver.domain.local/cluster1-01.8hour.2022-02-10.18_15_04.7z. Error: 'Transferred a partial file : SSL shutdown timeout'.
[Cluster1-01: mgwd: configbr.uploadFailed:error]: Configuration backup file cluster1-01.8hour.2022-02-10.18_15_04.7z cannot be uploaded to the destination URL ftps://ftpserver.domain.local. Error: 'Upload operation of configuration backup file exited with error: Failed to upload configuration backup file "/mroot/etc/backups/config/cluster1-01.8hour.2022-02-10.18_15_04.7z" to "ftps://ftpserver.domain.local/cluster1-01.8hour.2022-02-10.18_15_04.7z". Error: Transferred a partial file : SSL shutdown timeout.'.
- 上传也可能会失败、并显示以下内容:
Error: command failed: Upload operation of configuration backup file exited with error: Failed to upload configuration backup file "/mroot/etc/backups/config/Netapp.weekly.2022-03-06.00_25_00.7z" to
"ftps://user:password@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/Netapp.weekly.2022-03-06.00_25_00.7z". Error: Login denied : Access denied: 530.