
无法定期收集 NetApp 集群交换机的交换机数据


  • ONTAP 9.7P14
  • 具有 NX-OS 固件的集群网络交换机( CNS ) Cisco NX3232C 。7.0 ( 3 ) i7 ( 9 )和 RCF_v1.6_MetroCluser-IP 文件


  • 集群交换机日志收集不会提示输入 CNS 管理员密码。示例
::*> system cluster-switch log setup-password
Enter the switch name: cnswitch01(ABBC12345D6E)
RSA key
fingerprint is 00:11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99:10:11:12:13:14:16
Do you want to continue? {y|n}:: yes
  • 日志收集启用失败。示例
::*> system cluster-switch log enable-collection
Do you want to enable cluster log collection for all nodes in the cluster? {y|n}: y
cnswitch01(ABBC12345D6E)Error: Cluster switch password has not been configured on the cluster - aborting.
  • 集群中未报告任何错误。示例
::> system health alert show
This table is currently empty.
::> system cluster-switch log show
Log Collection Enabled: false
Index  Switch Log        Timestamp Status
------ ------------------------ --------- ------
1    cnswitch01(ABBC12345D6E) -     -
2    cnswitch02(ABBC12345D6F) -     -
2 entries were displayed.
  • 管理员用户可以通过 SSH 正常登录到 CNS 。

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