

Last Updated:


  • ONTAP 9
  • 集群计数器管理器归档( Cluster Counter Manager Archive , CCMA )文件


  • EMS-log 中的错误

Tue Jun 29 09:08:45 +0200 [node1a: CCMA-Cleaner: ems.engine.suppressed:debug]: Event 'perf.ccma.write.track' suppressed 9 times in last 205461 seconds.

Tue Jun 29 09:08:45 +0200 [node1a: CCMA-Cleaner: perf.ccma.write.track:debug]: Performance archiver cannot write to file '042317_000000_0000000000000_0000000.ccma'.

  • EMS 事件问题描述:

Node: node1
Sequence#: 12409
Time: 6/30/2021 09:54:34
Severity: DEBUG
EMS Severity: DEBUG
Source: CCMA-Cleaner
Message Name: perf.ccma.write.track
Event: perf.ccma.write.track: Performance archiver cannot write to file '001080_000000_0000000000000_0000000.ccma'.
Kernel Generation Number: -
Kernel Sequence Number: -
EMS Event XML Length: 226 Number of Times Suppressed Since Last Time Logged: 0
Corrective Action: Verify that the root volume has free space. Consider increasing its size, modifying or disabling the Snapshot(tm) copy policy, or reducing the disk space limits for the archiver (using the 'archive config modify -datastore-max-size' command). Investigate the issue further by reading the perf_archive CM object error counters.
Description: This message occurs when the performance archiver cannot log data to disk. The root volume might be full.

  • 根卷具有可用空间。


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