

Last Updated:




  •  -require-initial-passwd-update セキュリティログインロールの設定オプションを有効にした後、そのロールに属するすべてのユーザのパスワードが想定どおりに期限切れになりました。

Thu May 25 2023 11:24:00 +09:00 [kern_audit:info:2224]Vserver-01:ssh :: 1xx.xxx.21.xx:37504 :: Vserver-01:Username-01 :: security login role config modify -vserver Vserver-01 -role mt-role -require-initial-passwd-update enabled :: Success

[Username-01@xxxxxxx1 ~]$ date;ssh Username-01@Vserver-01
Thu May 25 11:14:01 JST 2023

Last login time: 5/17/2023 13:55:07
Unsuccessful login attempts since last login: 1
Your password has expired. Choose a new password.
Enter a new password:
Enter it again:

  •  パスワードをリセットしたら、新しいパスワードでユーザに正常にログインします。

[User-01@xxxxxx1 ~]$ date; ssh User-01@Node-01

Thu May 25 11:29:25 JST 2023

Last login time: 5/25/2023 11:28:39
Unsuccessful login attempts since last login: 1

  • 通常、パスワードをリセットした後は、アカウントの有効期限がに設定されているため、パスワードが期限切れに unlimitedならないようにしてください。ただし、次の日にパスワードの有効期限が再度切れます。

[User-01@xxxxxx1 ~]$ date;ssh User-01@Node-01
Fri May 26 11:47:33 JST 2023

Last login time: 5/25/2023 11:29:32
Unsuccessful login attempts since last login: 1
Your password has expired. Choose a new password.
Enter a new password:

::> security login role config show -role Role-01 -instance
                                            Vserver: Vserver-01
                                          Role Name: Role-01
                   Minimum Username Length Required: 3
                             Username Alpha-Numeric: disabled
                   Minimum Password Length Required: 8
                             Password Alpha-Numeric: enabled
   Minimum Number of Special Characters Required In
                                       The Password: 0
                         Password Expires In (Days): unlimited
     Require Initial Password Update on First Login: enabled
                  Maximum Number of Failed Attempts: 0
                      Maximum Lockout Period (Days): 0
                       Disallow Last 'N' Passwords : 6
              Delay Between Password Changes (Days): 0
       Delay after Each Failed Login Attempt (Secs): 4
  Minimum Number of Lowercase Alphabetic Characters
                           Required in the Password: 0
  Minimum Number of Uppercase Alphabetic Characters
                           Required in the Password: 0
  Minimum Number of Digits Required in the Password: 0
     Display Warning Message Days Prior to Password
                                      Expiry (Days): unlimited
                         Account Expires in (Days): unlimited
      Maximum Duration of Inactivity before Account
                                  Expiration (Days): unlimited


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