ONTAP 节点在Snapcreator启动备份后崩溃
- ONTAP 9.8
- Snapcreator
- 一致性组(CG)
- ONTAP 节点CPU利用率较高、在较长时间内接近100%。
- Snapcreator备份作业已配置为备份多个卷并将其组合为一致性组(Consistency Group、CG)。
- Snapcreator会触发备份作业、而备份作业可能会失败、并且Snapcreator日志会引用CG-commit超时:
[2022-06-06 18:29:11,123] ERROR: STORAGE-02006: Committing consistency group Snapshot copy on controller [cluster] with CG Id [12345678] failed with error [netapp.manage.NaAPIFailedException: Connection timed out (errno=60)]
- ONTAP 节点托管Snapcreator备份作业中至少包含一个卷、并显示以下内容:
Mon Jun 06 19:05:08 +0200 [node-03: splog_main: mgr.stack.string:notice]: Panic string: prod/common/adminapi/ontapi-d/od_volume_exec.c:2504: Assertion failure. in SK process svc_queue_thread on release 9.8P11 (C)
Mon Jun 06 19:05:08 +0200 [node-03: splog_main: mgr.stack.at:notice]: Panic occurred at: Mon Jun 6 18:30:24 2022