
正常运行时间超过 994 天时, ONTAP 控制器崩溃

Last Updated:


  • ONTAP 9.4及更高版本
  • AFF A800、AFF A700、AFF A700s
  • FAS9000、FAS8700


  • 节点崩溃并显示以下崩溃消息

Panic String: integer divide fault: num 18 code 0 cs:rip 0x20:0xffffffff9a995842 rflags 0x10246 in SK process callout on release 9.4P3 (C)

PANIC : integer divide fault: num 18 code 0 cs:rip 0x20:0xffffffffa09d74b9 rflags 0x10246
version: 9.5P3: Tue Apr 16 18:46:36 EDT 2019
conf : x86_64.optimize
cpuid = 15
KDB: stack backtrace:
vpanic() at vpanic+0x6d9/frame 0xfffff700000f7ef0
panic() at panic+0x43/frame 0xfffff700000f7f50
amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x13ce/frame 0xfffff700000f7fb0
trap() at trap+0x71d/frame 0xfffff700000f8170
calltrap() at calltrap+0x8/frame 0xfffff700000f8170
--- trap 0x12, rip = 0xffffffffa09d74b9, rsp = 0xfffff700000f8240, rbp = 0xfffff700000f8280 ---
lu_thread_update_all_thread_stats() at lu_thread_update_all_thread_stats+0x1c9/frame 0xfffff700000f8280
callout_main() at callout_main+0x96/frame 0xfffff700000f82e0
fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x12e/frame 0xfffff700000f8330
fork_trampoline_sk() at fork_trampoline_sk+0xe/frame 0xfffff700000f8330
--- trap 0, rip = 0, rsp = 0, rbp = 0 ---
Uptime: 994d4h59m49s

  • 节点正常运行时间超过994天


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