升级到 9.7 期间, ONTAP 无法挂载 mroot
- ONTAP 升级 9.5 - 9.7
- ONTAP 升级 9.6 - 9.7
- 自动无中断升级 (ANDU)
- 在自动化无中断升级( ANDU )期间,将显示
目录可能无法挂载,从而导致升级暂停,并且节点超出仲裁( OOQ ) - ONTAP 升级后,节点无法完全正常运行 根卷交还
EMS 警报:
callhome.mdb.recovery.unsuccessful:EMERGENCY]: Call home for MDB RECOVERY UNSUCCESSFUL FOR THE vldb WARNING.
callhome.mdb.recovery.unsuccessful:EMERGENCY]: Call home for MDB RECOVERY UNSUCCESSFUL FOR THE bcomd WARNING.
rdb.env.IOFailure:ALERT]: Error encountered in root volume I/O: Mkdir '/mroot/etc/cluster_config' failed, 30.
rdb.env.replicaCorrupt:ALERT]: Corruption in the local database of Data Replication Module: Failed to open SQLite environment: FILE_IO_ERROR.
EMS 日志消息:
/mroot not mounted. apache setup cannot run.
phpmgr: /mroot/etc/log/mlog doesn't exist. won't log setup up steps to a file
httpdmgr: /mroot/etc/log/mlog doesn't exist. won't log setup up steps to a file
php_jail_setup.sh: /mroot/etc/log/mlog doesn't exist. won't log setup up steps to a file
/mroot not mounted. php setup cannot run.
apache_jail_setup.sh: /mroot/etc/log/mlog doesn't exist. won't log setup up steps to a file
/mroot not mounted. apache setup cannot run.
phpmgr: /mroot/etc/log/mlog doesn't exist. won't log setup up steps to a file
Nov 24 12:19:08 [Cluster1:callhome.mdb.recovery.unsuccessful:EMERGENCY]: Call home for MDB RECOVERY UNSUCCESSFUL FOR THE bcomd WARNING.
Nov 24 12:19:08 [Cluster1:rdb.env.IOFailure:ALERT]: Error encountered in root volume I/O: Mkdir '/mroot/etc/cluster_config' failed, 30.