Unified Manager报告聚合已过量提交、如何在ONTAP中验证
- ONTAP 9.1及更高版本
- OnCommand Unified Manager
- OnCommand Insight
- Active IQ Unified Manager
- 收到Unified Manager通知。
Risk - Aggregate Overcommitted
Impact Area - Protection
Severity - Error
State - New
Source - Fas8200-01: AGG_01
Cluster Name - Fas8200
Cluster FQDN -
Trigger Condition - The overcommitted threshold set at 100% is breached. 121.07 TB (222.49%) of 54.42 TB is committed. 32.39 TB (59.52%) is used.
Description - This alert will trigger when the aggregate has had more space allocated to volumes than the amount of usable space in the aggregate (or is close to using more space)
- 计算过量承诺;
- 类型DP 卷考虑卷的总大小
- 键入RW volumes"뾼 싇
Maximum Autosize