由于550 5.7.1无法中继、未从ONTAP收到AutoSupport电子邮件
- AutoSupport
NetApp控制器 无法使用SMTP邮件主机服务器将AutoSupport电子邮件中继到外部电子邮件地址、包括AutoSupport @NetApp.com
message: 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay
READMSG:554 Mail from user@domain.com rejected for policy reasons
message: Access denied: 550
Cluster::>autosupport history show
Seq Attempt Percent Last
Node Num Destination Status Count Complete Update
------------ ----- ----------- -------------------- -------- -------- --------
node01 1680 smtp transmission-failed 15 - 5/28/2020 02:20:53
- 使用"
system autosupport history show -seq-num ### -instance
"命令查看特定顺序、Last Error
为Failed sending data to the peer
Cluster::> system autosupport history show -seq-num 1680 -instance
Node: node01
AutoSupport Sequence Number: 1680
Destination for This AutoSupport: smtp
Trigger Event: callhome.management.log
Time of Last Update: 5/28/2020 02:20:53
Status of Delivery: transmission-failed
Delivery Attempts: 15
AutoSupport Subject: MANAGEMENT_LOG
Delivery URI: mailto:autosupport@netapp.com
Last Error: Failed sending data to the peer
Time of Generation: 5/28/2020 00:01:51
AutoSupport Compressed Size: 131.4KB
Percent Complete: -
Rate of Upload: -
Time Remaining for Upload: 0s
AutoSupport Decompressed Size: 476.0KB
Total Collection Time (ms): 6257
可以通过查看 /mroot/etc/log/mllog/notifyd.log或查看 组织的 邮件主机日志来查看notifyd.log
::> node run -node (node name) -command rdfile /etc/log/mlog/notifyd.log
(emittime: 8/6/2017 01:16:27) (message: RCPT TO:<autosupport@netapp.com>)
(emittime: 8/6/2017 01:16:27) (message: SMTP 0x8115ae810 state change from MAIL to RCPT)
(emittime: 8/6/2017 01:16:32) (message: 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay)
(emittime: 7/7/2017 05:10:31) (message: DO phase starts)
(emittime: 7/7/2017 05:10:31) (message: MAIL FROM:<user@domain.com>)
(emittime: 7/7/2017 05:10:31) (message: SMTP 0x812b31810 state change from STOP to MAIL)
(emittime: 7/7/2017 05:10:31) (message: 554 Mail from user@domain.com rejected for policy reasons.)
(emittime: 3/11/2015 10:11:58) (message: Access denied: 550)
(emittime: 12/3/2021 16:57:10) (message: MAIL FROM:<user@domain.com)
(emittime: 12/3/2021 16:57:10) (message: SMTP 0x80a708940 state change from STOP to MAIL)
(emittime: 12/3/2021 16:57:10) (message: STATE: DO => DOING handle 0x80bd5a008; line 1344 (connection #0) )
(emittime: 12/3/2021 16:57:10) (message: 530 5.7.1 Authentication required)
(emittime: 12/3/2021 16:57:10) (message: MAIL failed: 530)
(emittime: 12/3/2021 16:57:10) (message: DO phase failed)
(emittime: 12/3/2021 16:57:10) (message: Curl_done)
(emittime: 12/3/2021 16:57:10) (message: Marked for [closure]: SMTP done with bad status)
(emittime: 12/3/2021 16:57:10) (message: QUIT)
(emittime: 12/3/2021 16:57:10) (message: SMTP 0x80a708940 state change from MAIL to QUIT)
(emittime: 12/3/2021 16:57:10) (message: 221 2.0.0 Bye)
(emittime: 12/3/2021 16:57:10) (message: SMTP 0x80a708940 state change from QUIT to STOP)
(emittime: 12/3/2021 16:57:10) (message: Closing connection 0)
(emittime: 10/23/2024 23:48:06) (message: RCPT TO:<autosupport@netapp.com>)
(emittime: 10/23/2024 23:48:06) (message: SMTP 0x809e4ff30 state change from MAIL to RCPT)
(emittime: 10/23/2024 23:48:06) (message: 550 5.7.1 You(ip:XXX.XX.XX.XX) are NOT allowed to RELAY (receiver:autosupport@netapp.com).)
(emittime: 10/23/2024 23:48:06) (message: multi_done)
(emittime: 10/23/2024 23:48:06) (message: Marked for [closure]: SMTP done with bad status)
(emittime: 10/23/2024 23:48:06) (message: QUIT)
(emittime: 10/23/2024 23:48:06) (message: SMTP 0x809e4ff30 state change from RCPT to QUIT)
(emittime: 10/23/2024 23:48:06) (message: 221 2.0.0 was02.scourt.go.kr Service closing transmission channel)
(emittime: 10/23/2024 23:48:06) (message: SMTP 0x809e4ff30 state change from QUIT to STOP)
(emittime: 10/23/2024 23:48:06) (message: Closing connection 0)