- FlexGroup
- 卷移动
- 对FlexGroup成分卷执行volume move. start命令失败。
- ONTAP事件日志指示以下内容:
3/23/2024 16:26:44 Cluster01-01 ERROR mgmt.vopl.move.badDstVol: The move operation could not access the specified destination volume 'temp__18419__293881__vol_fg__0008'.
3/23/2024 16:26:44 Cluster01-01 ERROR mgmt.vopl.move.cantCrtDstVol: Volume move job failed because destination volume "temp__18419__293881__vol_fg__0008" could not be created.
- 源端EMS日志显示以下内容:
Sat Mar 23 16:26:44 -0700 [Cluster01-01: mgwd: mgmtgwd.jobmgr.jobcomplete.failure:info]: Job "Volume Move" [id 293881] (Move "vol_fg__0008" in Vserver "svm1" to aggregate "aggr1") completed unsuccessfully: Cannot move volume "vol_fg__0008" in Vserver "svm1" to destination aggregate "aggr1". The aggregate - or the node that owns the aggregate - does not support a feature that is required by the source volume. Creating volume: Invalid input: Request to create volume failed because the given volume size is greater than the maximum size. Select a size of at most 100TB for the new volume. (1).