- AFF-A700
- FAS9000
- AFF-A700
- 具有40 GB NIC的系统
Jul 23 11:08:19 [cluster1-node1:netif.fwUpdateStatus:notice]: Firmware update of network interface e4a to version n5.04(e80003fb0) Starting....
Jul 23 11:08:19 [cluster1-node1:netif.fwUpdateStatus:notice]: Firmware update of network interface e0f to version n5.04(e800046b3) Starting....
Network interface e0a current FW version: n5.04(e800028f4)
Jul 23 11:08:19 [cluster1-node1:netif.fwUpdateStatus:notice]: Firmware update of network interface e0a to version n5.04(e800046b3) Starting....
Jul 23 11:13:32 [cluster1-node1:netif.fwUpdateStatus:notice]: Firmware update of network interface e0a to version n5.04(e800046b3) Completed, system will be rebooted..
Jul 23 11:13:35 [cluster1-node1:netif.fwUpdateStatus:notice]: Firmware update of network interface e4a to version n5.04(e80003fb0) Completed, system will be rebooted..
Jul 23 11:13:35 [cluster1-node1:netif.fwUpdateStatus:notice]: Firmware update of network interface e0f to version n5.04(e800046b3) Completed, system will be rebooted..
cluster1-node1 EMS [?] Thu Jul 23 2020 09:20:09 GMT [cluster1-node1: upgrademgr: upgrademgr.update.pausederr:ERROR]: The automated update of the cluster has been paused due to the following reason: Node "cluster1-node1": Error: {Node "cluster1-node1" is not in "waiting for giveback" state.}, Action: {Use the "storage failover show" to verify that node "cluster1-node1" is in one of the following states: "waiting for giveback" or "connected".}.
cluster1-node1 EMS [?] Thu Jul 23 2020 09:20:09 GMT [cluster1-node1: notifyd: callhome.andu.pausederr:ALERT]: params: subject:AUTOMATED NDU PAUSED