DR vFiler が設定されていると high_security を有効にできません
- ONTAP 8 7-Mode
- vFiler - DR
options high_security.enable on
は、 vFiler-DRが設定されたシステムで動作していません。vFilerのstopped, DR backup
ステータスがである。- エラー メッセージ:
For enabling high-security option, it is required to have latest secure keys for SSL and SSH.
System has detected the presence of supported SSL key which can support high_security protocols.
Would you still like to re-generate the SSL keys [no]: no
Some vfilers do not have Required SSH Keys.
Generate Required ECDSA and ED25519 keys using Secure admin setup on below vfilers to enable High Security.
Vfiler list : test_source,.
Could not enable high_security option. Please check available secure keys using "keymgr list key" command.