ONTAP 是否可以禁用TCP时间戳? 最后更新 另存为PDF Views:5Visibility:PublicVotes:0Category:ontap-9Specialty:coreLast Updated: 适用场景 ONTAP 9 TCPRFC 1323 问题解答 虽然可以、但建议 不要 禁用时间戳 要禁用时间戳、还必须禁用窗口缩放 这会对TCP性能产生重大影响、不建议这样做 警告 禁用此选项将降低TCP的性能 如果您仍希望进行此类更改、请执行以下操作: Please contact NetApp Technical Support or log into the NetApp Support Site to create a case. Reference this article for assistance with the solution. The solution requires Diagnostic-level recovery. The use of Diagnostic commands and recovery steps is potentially disruptive and should only be used with guidance from NetApp Support. 追加信息 不适用