のギブバックが原因でエラーが発生すると自動無停止アップグレードが一時停止します SFO アグリゲートで障害が発生しまし
- Automated Non-Disruptive Upgrade(ANDU)の実行中、 最初のリブートセット後にアップグレードがハングします。
- EMSで次のエラーが表示される。
Sat Oct 31 10:21:50 CDT [cluster-n01: cf_giveback: sfo.giveback.failed:alert]: Giveback of aggregate aggr1 failed due to Giveback was vetoed..
Sat Oct 31 10:21:52 CDT [cluster-n01: cf_giveback: gb.sfo.veto.lmgr.nonCA.locks:error]: Could not complete giveback because of non-CA locks on volume vol1@vserver:[SVM_UUID] SFO aggregate aggr1.
Sat Oct 31 10:22:45 CDT [cluster-n01: upgrademgr: upgrademgr.update.pausedErr:error]: The automated update of the cluster has been paused due to the following reason: Node "cluster-n01": Error: {Giveback of SFO aggregates failed.}, Action: {Use the "storage failover giveback -ofnode cluster-n02" command to trigger giveback of SFO aggregates..}.