
当 AutoSupport 配置添加多个域时,不会发送 AutoSupport 电子邮件 地址

Last Updated:


  • ONTAP 9
  • AutoSupport ( ASUP )


  • 未发送 ASUP 电子邮件。
  • ASUP 配置多个域地址,如下所示:

cluster1::> autosupport show -node cluster1-01 -instance

                     Node: cluster1-01
                                        State: enable
                              SMTP Mail Hosts: mailhost
                                 From Address: Postmaster
                         List of To Addresses: abc@abc.com
        (DEPRECATED) List of Noteto Addresses: efg@efg.com, hij@hij.com
                    List of Partner Addresses: -
  Send AutoSupport Messages to Vendor Support: disable
                  Protocol to Contact Support: https
                   Support URL for HTTP/HTTPS: XXXX.com/asupprod/post/1.0/postAsup
                   Support URL for HTTP/S PUT: XXXX.com/put/AsupPut
                            Support Proxy URL:
                              Support Address: XXXX@XXXX.com
                             Hostname Subject: false
                                   NHT Enable: true
                      Performance Data Enable: true
                               Retry Interval: 4m
                                  Retry Count: 15
                              Reminder Enable: true
               (DEPRECATED) Last Subject Sent: MANAGEMENT_LOG
                  (DEPRECATED) Last Time Sent: 2/26/2021 00:22:13
                            Maximum HTTP Size: 50MB
                            Maximum SMTP Size: 5MB
                        Remove Sensitive Data: false
        Validate Digital Certificate Received: true
              AutoSupport OnDemand Server URL: https://XXXX.com/aods/asupmessage

  • 以下日志记录到 Notify.log

XXXXXXXX XXX XXX XX XXXX XX:XX:XX +09:00 [kern_notifyd:info:1196] (category: 1196:714:deliver) (emittime: X/XX/XXXX XX:XX:XX) (message: RCPT TO:<XXXX@XXXX.XX.jp>)
XXXXXXXX XXX XXX XX XXXX XX:XX:XX +09:00 [kern_notifyd:info:1196] (category: 1196:714:deliver) (emittime: X/XX/XXXX XX:XX:XX) (message: SMTP 0x80XXXXXXX state change from MAIL to RCPT)
XXXXXXXX XXX XXX XX XXXX XX:XX:XX +09:00 [kern_notifyd:info:1196] (category: 1196:714:deliver) (emittime: X/XX/XXXX XX:XX:XX) (message: 250 2.1.5 OK XXXXXXXXXXXXXX.XXX - gsmtp)
XXXXXXXX XXX XXX XX XXXX XX:XX:XX +09:00 [kern_notifyd:info:1196] (category: 1196:714:deliver) (emittime: X/XX/XXXX XX:XX:XX) (message: RCPT TO:<XXXX@XXXX.com>)
XXXXXXXX XXX XXX XX XXXX XX:XX:XX +09:00 [kern_notifyd:info:1196] (category: 1196:714:deliver) (emittime: X/XX/XXXX XX:XX:XX) (message: 451-4.3.0 Multiple destination domains per transaction is unsupported.  Please) 
XXXXXXXX XXX XXX XX XXXX XX:XX:XX +09:00 [kern_notifyd:info:1196] (category: 1196:714:deliver) (emittime: X/XX/XXXX XX:XX:XX) (message: 451 4.3.0 try again. XXXXXXXXXXXXXX.XXX - gsmtp)
XXXXXXXX XXX XXX XX XXXX XX:XX:XX +09:00 [kern_notifyd:info:1196] (category: 1196:714:deliver) (emittime: X/XX/XXXX XX:XX:XX) (message: RCPT failed: 451)
XXXXXXXX XXX XXX XX XXXX XX:XX:XX +09:00 [kern_notifyd:info:1196] (category: 1196:714:deliver) (emittime: X/XX/XXXX XX:XX:XX) (message: DO phase failed)
XXXXXXXX XXX XXX XX XXXX XX:XX:XX +09:00 [kern_notifyd:info:1196] (category: 1196:714:deliver) (emittime: X/XX/XXXX XX:XX:XX) (message: multi_done)
XXXXXXXX XXX XXX XX XXXX XX:XX:XX +09:00 [kern_notifyd:info:1196] (category: 1196:714:deliver) (emittime: X/XX/XXXX XX:XX:XX) (message: Marked for [closure]: SMTP done with bad status)
XXXXXXXX XXX XXX XX XXXX XX:XX:XX +09:00 [kern_notifyd:info:1196] (category: 1196:714:deliver) (emittime: X/XX/XXXX XX:XX:XX) (message: QUIT)
XXXXXXXX XXX XXX XX XXXX XX:XX:XX +09:00 [kern_notifyd:info:1196] (category: 1196:714:deliver) (emittime: X/XX/XXXX XX:XX:XX) (message: SMTP 0x80XXXXXXX state change from RCPT to QUIT)
XXXXXXXX XXX XXX XX XXXX XX:XX:XX +09:00 [kern_notifyd:info:1196] (category: 1196:714:deliver) (emittime: X/XX/XXXX XX:XX:XX) (message: 221 2.0.0 closing connection XXXXXXXXXXXXXX.XXX - gsmtp)
XXXXXXXX XXX XXX XX XXXX XX:XX:XX +09:00 [kern_notifyd:info:1196] (category: 1196:714:deliver) (emittime: X/XX/XXXX XX:XX:XX) (message: SMTP 0x80XXXXXXX state change from QUIT to STOP)
XXXXXXXX XXX XXX XX XXXX XX:XX:XX +09:00 [kern_notifyd:info:1196] (category: 1196:714:deliver) (emittime: X/XX/XXXX XX:XX:XX) (message: Closing connection 0)
XXXXXXXX XXX XXX XX XXXX XX:XX:XX +09:00 [kern_notifyd:info:1196] (category: 1196:714:deliver) (emittime: X/XX/XXXX XX:XX:XX) (message: The cache now contains 0 members)
XXXXXXXX XXX XXX XX XXXX XX:XX:XX +09:00 [kern_notifyd:info:1196] (category: 1196:714:deliver) (emittime: X/XX/XXXX XX:XX:XX) (message: Expire cleared (transfer 0x80XXXXXXX))
XXXXXXXX XXX XXX XX XXXX XX:XX:XX +09:00 [kern_notifyd:info:1196] (category: 1196:714:deliver) (emittime: X/XX/XXXX XX:XX:XX) (message: Failed to transmit smtp asup 714, curl error: Failed sending data to the peer)
XXXXXXXX XXX XXX XX XXXX XX:XX:XX +09:00 [kern_notifyd:info:1196] (category: 1196:714:deliver) (emittime: X/XX/XXXX XX:XX:XX) (message: asup_job sent '/mroot/etc/log/autosupport/2021XXXXXXXXX.0' mailserver=XXXXXX.XXXXXX.com fd=31 t=XXXXXXX status=0)
XXXXXXXX XXX XXX XX XXXX XX:XX:XX +09:00 [kern_notifyd:info:1196] (category: 1196:714:deliver) (emittime: X/XX/XXXX XX:XX:XX) (message: Failed to deliver smtp with subject: HA Group Notification from cluster1-01 (USER_TRIGGERED (XXXXX)) NOTICE)


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