
间歇性收到False MissingPathFomSwitchToNsm_Alert

Last Updated:


  • NS224
  • 交换存储
  • ONTAP 9.13.1PX


  • 从多个磁盘架接收间歇性的“MissingPathFrom SwitchToNsm_Alert”:

Sat Jan 27 17:35:11 -0600 [Netapp01-01: mgwd: callhome.hm.alert.major:alert]: Call home for Health Monitor process schm: MissingPathFromSwitchToNSM_Alert[14.1:A].

Sun Jan 28 18:15:21 -0600 [Netapp01-01: mgwd: callhome.hm.alert.major:alert]: Call home for Health Monitor process schm: MissingPathFromSwitchToNSM_Alert[16.4:B].

Sun Jan 28 20:05:22 -0600 [Netapp01-01: mgwd: callhome.hm.alert.major:alert]: Call home for Health Monitor process schm: MissingPathFromSwitchToNSM_Alert[14.5:B].

Wed Jan 31 21:40:55 -0600 [Netapp01-01: mgwd: callhome.hm.alert.major:alert]: Call home for Health Monitor process schm: MissingPathFromSwitchToNSM_Alert[12.1:B].

  • 警报将立即清除且不持久:

Wed Jan 31 21:39:50 -0600 [Netapp01-01: schmd: hm.alert.raised:alert]: Alert Id = MissingPathFromSwitchToNSM_Alert , Alerting Resource = 12.1:B raised by monitor system-connect
Wed Jan 31 22:17:30 -0600 [Netapp01-01: schmd: hm.alert.cleared:notice]: Alert Id = MissingPathFromSwitchToNSM_Alert , Alerting Resource = 12.1:B cleared by monitor system-connect

  • 在出现以下警报期间、节点不会过渡到四路径HA:
            System Storage Configuration: Multi-Path HA
  • 事件日志中没有与警报期间的磁盘架错误相关的其他指示符
  • 查看诊断磁盘架日志不会报告任何警报或错误
  • 查看ONTAP端的布线和配置、所有设备的布线都正确无误、节点报告布线正确: 将磁盘架布线为交换机连接存储—NS224磁盘架

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